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Usage: pagetools extract [OPTIONS] XMLS...

  Extract elements as image (optionally with text) files.

  --include [TextRegion|ImageRegion|LineDrawingRegion|GraphicRegion|TableRegion|ChartRegion|MapRegion|SeparatorRegion|MathsRegion|ChemRegion|MusicRegion|AdvertRegion|NoiseRegion|NoiseRegion|UnknownRegion|CustomRegion|TextLine|*]
                                  PAGE XML element types to extract (highest
  --exclude [TextRegion|ImageRegion|LineDrawingRegion|GraphicRegion|TableRegion|ChartRegion|MapRegion|SeparatorRegion|MathsRegion|ChemRegion|MusicRegion|AdvertRegion|NoiseRegion|NoiseRegion|UnknownRegion|CustomRegion|TextLine|*]
                                  PAGE XML element types to exclude from
                                  extraction (lowest priority).
  --no-text                       Suppresses text extraction.
  -ie, --image-extension TEXT     Extension of image files. Must be in the
                                  same directory as corresponding XML file.
                                  [default: .png]
  -o, --output TEXT               Path where generated files will get saved.
  -e, --enumerate-output          Enumerates output file names instead of
                                  using original names.
  -z, --zip-output                Add generated output to zip archive.
  -bg, --background-color INTEGER...
                                  RGB color code used to fill up background.
                                  Used when padding and / or deskewing.
                                  [default: 255, 255, 255]
  --background-mode [median|mean|dominant]
                                  Color calc mode to fill up background
                                  (overwrites -bg / --background-color).
  -p, --padding INTEGER...        Padding in pixels around the line image
                                  cutout (top, bottom, left, right).
                                  [default: 0, 0, 0, 0]
  -ad, --auto-deskew              Automatically deskew extracted line images
                                  using a custom algorithm (Experimental!).
  -d, --deskew FLOAT              Angle for manual clockwise rotation of the
                                  line images.  [default: 0.0]
  -gt, --gt-index INTEGER         Index of the TextEquiv elements containing
                                  ground truth.  [default: 0]
  -pred, --pred-index INTEGER     Index of the TextEquiv elements containing
                                  predicted text.  [default: 1]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Only extract TextLine elements:

pagetools extract <Path/to/xml/files>/*.xml -ie <img_extension> -o <Path/to/output/dir> --include TextLine --exclude "*"


Pay in mind that --include / --exclude currently work different from e.g. the same arguments in rsync (due to limitations with the click library). Inclusion of certain element types always trumps exclusion of the same type, regardless of the order in the call.